Prasad Vattapparamb


Innovate to Excel
We foster a culture of creative problem-solving to inspire individuals and teams to excel in dynamic environments.
Building Bridges
Focusing on upskilling individuals and teams to build strong relationships and convey messages with impact.
Thriving in Change
My training programs cultivate adaptability, empowering individuals to stay agile in the face of evolving circumstances.
Navigating Success
Empowering individuals and businesses to navigate their journey with foresight and confidence.

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From career building to faculty enhancement, skill development, and wellness workshops, my tailored programs empower individuals and organizations to thrive. Let's sculpt success together!

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Make a Positive and Measurable Change

The stories of success told by individuals and organizations I've worked with serve as compelling evidence of our effectiveness. I proudly showcase case studies and success stories that highlight the real-world, measurable impact of my programs on the lives and operations of those I've had the privilege to collaborate with.

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Thumbappoov 7.0: A Summer of Growth and Adventure

Another summer of laughter and cherished memories drew to a close with the conclusion of Thumbappoov 7.0, the residential kids’ summer vacation camp organized by Yogakshemasabha Attingal Upasabha and Sree Sankara Trust. It marked the successful culmination of yet another edition, with me once again taking on the role of coordinator for the seventh consecutive year. What began modestly in 2016 with 29 participants from the Attingal Upasabha area has now blossomed to include children from various parts of Kerala, a testament to its growing popularity. This year, we were fortunate to have academic support from NaITER.

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The Crucial Role of Soft Skills Training in Today’s World

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, possessing technical expertise alone is no longer sufficient to guarantee success. Employers increasingly seek candidates who not only excel in their respective fields but also possess strong interpersonal skills, known as soft skills. From effective communication to problem-solving and teamwork, these attributes play a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s professional journey. Recognizing the significance of soft skills training, various reports by leading agencies emphasize the critical need for skill development initiatives, particularly in countries like India.

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Celebrating Achievement: The Sreshta Parisheelak Puraskar 2023

I am thrilled and honored to share the news of receiving the esteemed Sreshta Parisheelak Puraskar 2023 from the National Institute for Training and Educational Research (NaITER). This recognition, presented to me by T K Sujith, the renowned Cartoonist from Kerala Koumudi Daily, and with special appreciation from Brahmanayakam Mahadhevan Sir, a National People Influencer, fills me with immense joy and gratitude.

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Exploring the Impact of Movies and Short Films on Children: Learning Outcomes and Disadvantages

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Empowering Entrepreneurial Futures: Facilitating Growth in the Kerala Institute for Entrepreneurship Development Program

Seized the chance to contribute to the ongoing Entrepreneurship Establishment Program facilitated by KIED (Kerala Institute for Entrepreneurship Development). As a trainer, actively engaged in guiding entrepreneurs from diverse fields who are in the initial stages of their ventures during the comprehensive 10-day training program.

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